10 Principles To Reclaim Your Power

Zenpowerment- Randy Scott
4 min readJun 1, 2020

A summary of Zenpowerment

A few years ago, I started coaching high-performance executives and writing my first book at the same time. I had spent the previous sixteen years studying, researching, and life-hacking. My passion is the fusion of science, philosophy, and spirituality. After gaining the insights that I did as I applied these things in my life, I realized that it was too good to keep to myself, so I left my cushy job as VP of Marketing, and ventured out on my own to share what I call Zenpowerment.

During these first two years of coaching, I was able to see which concepts resonated and which didn’t as much. I noticed that something that resonated a little with me resonated a lot with others, and vice versa. I was able to see patterns and discover new concepts that supported the principles of the book. This research helped make the book stronger.

After I had finished a coaching engagement with a successful Public Relations CEO, she asked if I had a one-page summary of what we had covered during our sessions and what Zenpowerment was all about. She wanted something that she could have at her desk as a constant reminder of the things she had learned during our sessions. At the time, I didn’t have anything.

I took time to create this piece. It’s easier to write a book than to distill it into one page. As I created it, the document became my credo, my personal declaration of who I choose to be. I read it every day.

I believe it’s important to create our future in the present moment so that we have direction. Some people use goals, vision boards, etc. My credo is a part of that. It’s who I choose to be.

I thought I would share this personal document with the hope that it resonates with others and helps them along their life journey. This is my credo:

Zenpowerment Credo

1. There are two primary motivational forces in our lives; love and fear. Love unites, fear divides. Love accepts, fear resists. Love is proactive, fear is reactive. Love is intrinsic, fear is learned. With love, there must be a balance between love for ourselves and love for others. This balance is created by boundaries. I choose love.

2. I give away my power when I come from fear or choose to react from programming that doesn’t serve. I choose to stand in my power.

3. I am responsible for all that is in my life. I have the power to choose my response and to give meaning to all circumstances. I choose to stand in my power.

4. I cannot change the past. It has been a great teacher, and I honor it. My future is not guaranteed, but I can establish a direction for my future. The only thing that really exists is here and now. It is the only place of power and action.I choose to live intentionally in the present.

5. My authenticity has been covered by years of filters and programming, through family, education, corporations, religion, culture, government, tradition, authority and many other things. Filters and programming include attachment, judgments, labels, expectations, comparison, emotions and our experiences. I empty my cup of knowledge to see what still serves and what does not. I choose to always keep the principles of love, trust, respect, communication, service, gratitude and fun in my cup. I choose to uncover my authenticity.

6. I believe that attachment to opinions, knowledge, people, things, expectations, outcomes, thoughts, emotions, the past and future causes great suffering. I choose non-attachment.

7. I believe that saying no to the many unessential things allows me greater time and energy to focus on those things I deem important. By doing this, I become more efficient. I choose to live essentially.

8. I have believed that I am a separate, independent being. I now believe that we are all interconnected beings, all made up of energy. I choose love for all living things.

9. Every act and habit empowers or disempowers me, and continues to build up over time. I am a sum of my thoughts, words, actions and habits. I choose empowering habits.

10. I choose empowerment by living intentionally and authentically.

While each of these principles has a lot more depth, this summary is a daily reminder to me and many of my clients of the things that can help us live with more peace, power, freedom, and purpose.

It’s a daily practice. I don’t believe there is a destination with these principles, only a beautiful journey that makes life more satisfying.



Zenpowerment- Randy Scott

Helping people create their path of peace, power and purpose with Zenpowerment. http://www.myzenpowerment.com